Allen Key Ankle Spreaders
Allen Key Ankle Spreaders
Allen Key Ankle Spreaders
Allen Key Ankle Spreaders
Allen Key Ankle Spreaders

Allen Key Ankle Spreaders

Elevate your bondage play to new heights with this exquisitely engineered Allen Key Ankle Spreader that speaks volumes about your commitment to quality and authenticity

$99.99 AUD

Product Description

Allen Key Ankle Spreader is a BDSM accessory that embodies strength, durability, and precise design. Constructed from robust, cold, heavy stainless steel, this spreader bar is engineered to withstand extended use while ensuring a comfortable fit. 

To secure this spreader bar, two stainless steel allen screws are utilized, providing an unyielding grip that guarantees your submissive's immobility during play. When it's time to release, the bar effortlessly opens with the allen key thoughtfully included in the package.

The color palette of this spreader bar is a sleek silver, exuding a sense of sophistication that aligns perfectly with the realm of BDSM aesthetics. The thickness of 0.7 cm (0.3 inches) adds to the bar's sturdiness, while its height of 2 cm (4.7 inches) contributes to the overall ergonomic design.

The dimensions of the bar span 58 * 1.9 cm (22.8 * 0.7 inches), ensuring an optimal balance between restraint and comfort for both male and female users. The weight of 700 g (1.5 lb/24.7 oz) gives the spreader a substantial feel, enhancing the sensation of submission.

For female users, the cuff diameter measures 7.5 cm (2.8 inches), while male users will find a cuff diameter of 8 cm (3.2 inches) accommodating their needs perfectly.

 Confirm your commitment to quality and authenticity in your BDSM adventures.

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